Verb conjugation of "vorlegen" in German

Conjugate the verb vorlegen:

ich lege vor
du legst vor

er legte vor
wir haben vorgelegt

ihr werdet vorlegen


sie würden vorlegen



Verb drill 'vorlegen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of vorlegen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
vorlesen   vornehmen   vorrücken   vorschlagen   vorschreiben   vorstellen  

lege vor
legst vor
legt vor
legen vor
legt vor
legen vor


legte vor
legtest vor
legte vor
legten vor
legtet vor
legten vor

My name is Maria. I am 66 years old. I live in Barcelona (the capital of Catalunia) with my husband and my children. But I think my children will soon move out and live by themselves.
I will answer your mail during the weekend. Please translate the same text to Hungarian. I think it is easier to write. We can do the same with Spanish. Just note that the context needs to stay the same.
I am back in Switzerland, and the weather makes me crazy. Shall I write you on Vocabulix or to your regular email address? I have been working 20 years as an employee for a German company.