Verb conjugation of "abgeben" in German

Conjugate the verb abgeben:

ich gebe ab
du gibst ab

er gab ab
wir haben abgegeben

ihr werdet abgegeben


sie würden abgegeben



Verb drill 'abgeben'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of abgeben in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
abgrenzen   abheben   abholen   abkühlen   abkürzen   ablassen  

gebe ab
gibst ab
gibt ab
geben ab
gebt ab
geben ab


gab ab
gabst ab
gab ab
gaben ab
gabt ab
gaben ab

We can recognize the facts and how they are. So we might observe a lot of things but we will never understand, we will never know why the flower is red, what brought the little aninal to that height.
Joanna started kindergarten 2 weeks ago. She got used to it very quickly and I must say that I am very pround of her. She is now 23 months old and we are going to celebrate her birthday in three weeks.
I went to the deck and except one staff member who slept there on the floor I was the only one. I installed my camera and waited for the light to arrive. I expected the images to be more spectacular.