Verb conjugation of "anfreunden" in German

Conjugate the verb anfreunden:

ich freunde an
du freundest an

er freundete an
wir haben angefreundet

ihr werdet anfreunden


sie würden anfreunden



Verb drill 'anfreunden'
Present   Past   Future
The next German Verbs in our list:
anfügen   angeben   angehen   angeln   angleichen   angreifen  

freunde an
freundest an
freundet an
freunden an
freundet an
freunden an


freundete an
freundetest an
freundete an
freundeten an
freundetet an
freundeten an

It all depends on the language that you want to learn. For German it would be best to go to Berlin, as the pronunciation is classic there. Imagine going to Switzerland where they speak a different language.
Anyway, there are a lot of people on board and I no matter how high the waves may be, I always suffer from nausea or seasickness. I have not been on a small boat before. I will have to vomit.
Last week I was at the birthday celebration of my grandma. She is 95 years old and very healthy. I'm 33 years old. I work as an electrician, and I had my own company until last year.