Verb conjugation of "annähern" in German

Conjugate the verb annähern:

ich nähere an
du näherst an

er näherte an
wir haben angenähert

ihr werdet annähern


sie würden annähern



Verb drill 'annähern'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of annähern in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
anpassen   anprobieren   anreisen   anrichten   anrufen   anschauen  

nähere an
näherst an
nähert an
nähern an
nähert an
nähern an


näherte an
nähertest an
näherte an
näherten an
nähertet an
näherten an

My daugther was crying all night and we did not know why. We assume that she is getting into the terrible two age and wants to give us a hard time. We love her so much and do not get upset by that.
They point out eachother's mistake whenever they try to negotiate and approach. Despite a good reason for reconciliation there still exist plenty of prejudices and many have no confidence in the treaty.
He was hysterical, he got married two weeks earlier and already has lost his first wedding ring. How embarrassing is that? In addition, everybody on the ship heard it so that it was even more embarrassing.