Verb conjugation of "ausrichten" in German

Conjugate the verb ausrichten:

ich richte aus
du richtest aus

er richtete aus
wir haben ausgerichtet

ihr werdet ausrichten


sie würden ausrichten



Verb drill 'ausrichten'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of ausrichten in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
ausruhen   ausrüsten   ausschalten   ausscheiden   ausschließen   ausschöpfen  

richte aus
richtest aus
richtet aus
richten aus
richtet aus
richten aus


richtete aus
richtetest aus
richtete aus
richteten aus
richtetet aus
richteten aus

Thanks a lot. Today and tomorrow are holidays in Switzerland, but I'll do it Tuesday first thing in the morning...please have a look at it and confirm. Where do you want me to place a reference?
Anyway, once we arrived at the guest house the rules were explained: Washing my Jeans would be 2 dollars, a pair of socks 1 dollar and so on. I did not feel comfortable with these people.
We left at Kowloon, where we were looking for our place at night. It was difficult to find the address of the accommodation so we took a cab. We finally got to the YMCA, which cost around 200 dollars.