Verb conjugation of "darstellen" in German

Conjugate the verb darstellen:

ich stelle dar
du stellst dar

er stellte dar
wir haben dargestellt

ihr werdet darstellen


sie würden darstellen



Verb drill 'darstellen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of darstellen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
datieren   dauern   debattieren   decken   dehnen   deklarieren  

stelle dar
stellst dar
stellt dar
stellen dar
stellt dar
stellen dar


stellte dar
stelltest dar
stellte dar
stellten dar
stelltet dar
stellten dar

Hi Christin, how are you? I am on vacation right now, but you can call me if there are any problems. I am planning to meet my students in the end of next week. I will deliver the message anyway.
After placing my luggage there I decided to walk into town and rent a bike. The neighbor of the guest house stopped me on the street and asked me if I was Mike. She told me that she was Luisa.
The same day that I gave my last presentation about our pilot project I flew away. The first lag was NYC's airport John F. Kennedy. I left Europe after midnight and arrived there at five o'clock, more or less.