Verb conjugation of "umsteigen" in German

Conjugate the verb umsteigen:

ich steige um
du steigst um

er stieg um
wir sind umgestiegen

ihr werdet umsteigen


sie würden umsteigen



Verb drill 'umsteigen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of umsteigen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
umstrukturieren   umtauschen   umwandeln   umziehen   unterbrechen   unterbringen  

steige um
steigst um
steigt um
steigen um
steigt um
steigen um


stieg um
stiegst um
stieg um
stiegen um
stiegt um
stiegen um

My brother moved there last year. He met a woman and went after her. After six years they have broken up, but he no longer wanted to return, because he has settled down in his new home. I am visiting him once a year.
I want to study either computer science or do an MBA. I love to programm and I am doing it a lot, although I am very impatient sometimes. I also like math, but I hate writting long letters.
To answer your question I'm a college teacher but I am working now for a real estate agency. I'm also responsible for the finances. It's a very lucrative business but I hate it, most of the time.