Verb conjugation of "vorhaben" in German

Conjugate the verb vorhaben:

ich habe vor
du hast vor

er hatte vor
wir haben vorgehabt

ihr werdet vorhaben


sie würden vorhaben



Verb drill 'vorhaben'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of vorhaben in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
vorherrschen   vorhersagen   vorkommen   vorladen   vorlegen   vorlesen  



hatte vor
hattest vor
hatte vor
hatten vor
hattet vor
hatten vor

My name is Maria. I am 66 years old. I live in Barcelona (the capital of Catalunia) with my husband and my children. But I think my children will soon move out and live by themselves.
The conjugations of verbs are the biggest problem for me. I have never studied Spanish in school, but visited evening classes instead. This year I want to take a full Spanish course.
I want learn Spanish because of my girlfriend from Guatemala. She is from Latin America. And of course I want improve my grammar too. I like to hear it, but speaking is still hard. Hasta Luego.