Verb conjugation of "vortragen" in German

Conjugate the verb vortragen:

ich trage vor
du trägst vor

er trug vor
wir haben vorgetragen

ihr werdet vortragen


sie würden vortragen



Verb drill 'vortragen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of vortragen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
vortäuschen   vorziehen   wachsen   wackeln   wagen   wahren  

trage vor
trägst vor
trägt vor
tragen vor
tragt vor
tragen vor


trug vor
trugst vor
trug vor
trugen vor
trugt vor
trugen vor

After testing the audio lab at the University of Bern, other universities such as the one in Zurich, ore the one in Geneva have shown interest. Of course, all this takes time. I will let you know.
I am sending you my e-mail address. Then I can write in German and send it to you faster. Please send me pictures of your children. I love little kids, they are always so sweet and innocent.
If you want to write again in Spanish, just do it. I have much to do at the moment, again and again... Sometimes it happens that I must work at night until the early hours of the morning.