Verb conjugation of "zuordnen" in German

Conjugate the verb zuordnen:

ich ordne zu
du ordnest zu

er ordnete zu
wir haben zugeordnet

ihr werdet zuordnen


sie würden zuordnen



Verb drill 'zuordnen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of zuordnen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
zupfen   zurückgeben   zurückgreifen   zurückhalten   zurückkehren   zurückkommen  

ordne zu
ordnest zu
ordnet zu
ordnen zu
ordnet zu
ordnen zu


ordnete zu
ordnetest zu
ordnete zu
ordneten zu
ordnetet zu
ordneten zu

It means a lot to me to participate and meet other people in this Internet forum. I'll know later if I can move my appointment in order to get together with our visitors from Canada.
You have to be careful when you go on summer vacation. There are many dangers but the most dangerous one is the sun itself, because if you're not careful it may harm you. People underestimate the rays.
During the summer it can get pretty hot and humid here in Florida (strong winds from the south also happen, hurricanes), but I still think that Florida is an exciting and diverse state also in the summer.