Verb conjugation of "anbieten" in German

Conjugate the verb anbieten:

ich biete an
du bietest an

er bot an
wir haben angeboten

ihr werdet anbieten


sie würden anbieten



Verb drill 'anbieten'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of anbieten in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
anbraten   andauern   aneignen   anerkennen   anfangen   anfassen  

biete an
bietest an
bietet an
bieten an
bietet an
bieten an


bot an
botest an
bot an
boten an
botet an
boten an

Actually, he is entering it into our website and marking 'I took the idea from another source' then the website knows that it should not display any of this content. However, the user is allowed to exercise what he entered.
Flying straight from Geneva to New York that does not exist, you must change planes in Zurich. You can also take a 3 hour train ride and then a connection to the airport with a local shuttle.
When I flew to Korea, I was very nervous because this was the first time I had visited a country outside the European Union. Asia is far away for us and is culturally very different.

From the help section: How do the verb drills work? It will display a verb in a specific tense and personal pronoun in your language. You will be asked to translate this verb from your native tongue into the same tense and the same personal pronoun in the language you are studying.

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