Verb conjugation of "weitermachen" in German

Conjugate the verb weitermachen:

ich mache weiter
du machst weiter

er machte weiter
wir haben weitergemacht

ihr werdet weitermachen


sie würden weitermachen



Verb drill 'weitermachen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of weitermachen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
welken   wenden   werben   werden   werfen   wetten  

mache weiter
machst weiter
macht weiter
machen weiter
macht weiter
machen weiter


machte weiter
machtest weiter
machte weiter
machten weiter
machtet weiter
machten weiter

There were two options, a connection flight to Phuket and one to Krabi. Generally, I wanted to reach the western part of the country, because it apparently had better weather this time of year.
They are longer than most examples given by online dictionaries, they resemble actually more to a language study book. Please do the rest of the sample words later today and with 2 pairs each and send them over when you are ready.
I am also your friend now, how nice is that. I am learning English for a year. I love this language. I already can speak Spanish, because my mother is from Mexico. Your German is really well!

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