Verb conjugation of "abwehren" in German

Conjugate the verb abwehren:

ich wehre ab
du wehrst ab

er wehrte ab
wir haben abgewehrt

ihr werdet abwehren


sie würden abwehren



Verb drill 'abwehren'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of abwehren in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
abweichen   abweisen   abwenden   abwiegen   abzahlen   abziehen  

wehre ab
wehrst ab
wehrt ab
wehren ab
wehrt ab
wehren ab


wehrte ab
wehrtest ab
wehrte ab
wehrten ab
wehrtet ab
wehrten ab

Everyone told me that I am crazy to take a small child on a road trip but I think it is the best age because babies sleep the entire day and they usually behave nicely in the car. Of course there are many exceptions to this rule.
If you go to the shopping mall to buy shoes, it takes an hour and two stores until you find the right pair of shoes. But if you go shopping 'stuff' generally, it might take you an entire day to finish.
Paris is a beautiful city and I wish you a lot of fun there. I love big cities. I am 40 years old and have a very beautiful and kind wife and a 20-year-old son. I work as a lawyer.

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