Verb conjugation of "abholen" in German

Conjugate the verb abholen:

ich hole ab
du holst ab

er holte ab
wir haben abgeholt

ihr werdet abholen


sie würden abholen



Verb drill 'abholen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of abholen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
abkühlen   abkürzen   ablassen   ablaufen   ablegen   ablehnen  

hole ab
holst ab
holt ab
holen ab
holt ab
holen ab


holte ab
holtest ab
holte ab
holten ab
holtet ab
holten ab

The poem hints that it will be a meal of brutality. We cannot understand this act of killing, the act of two little animals, we do not understand the 'why' of life and we do not see the power that steers all.
Joanna started kindergarten 2 weeks ago. She got used to it very quickly and I must say that I am very pround of her. She is now 23 months old and we are going to celebrate her birthday in three weeks.
He was hysterical, he got married two weeks earlier and already has lost his first wedding ring. How embarrassing is that? In addition, everybody on the ship heard it so that it was even more embarrassing.