Verb conjugation of "abschicken" in German

Conjugate the verb abschicken:

ich schicke ab
du schickst ab

er schickte ab
wir haben abgeschickt

ihr werdet abschicken


sie würden abschicken



Verb drill 'abschicken'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of abschicken in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
abschließen   abschneiden   abschreiben   absenden   absetzen   absolvieren  

schicke ab
schickst ab
schickt ab
schicken ab
schickt ab
schicken ab


schickte ab
schicktest ab
schickte ab
schickten ab
schicktet ab
schickten ab

It all depends on the language that you want to learn. For German it would be best to go to Berlin, as the pronunciation is classic there. Imagine going to Switzerland where they speak a different language.
We can help each other with these language studies, this is also the main purpose of Vocabulix. I have already got in touch with some other users. I can speak Italian, but my grammar is weak.
Three years ago I was with my friends in South Korea whom I met in my English class in Washington. Then I was in America for another three years, one in Oklahoma and two in Alabama.