Verb conjugation of "ankreuzen" in German

Conjugate the verb ankreuzen:

ich kreuze an
du kreuzt an

er kreuzte an
wir haben angekreuzt

ihr werdet ankreuzen


sie würden ankreuzen



Verb drill 'ankreuzen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of ankreuzen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
ankündigen   anlegen   anlehnen   anlocken   anmachen   anmelden  

kreuze an
kreuzt an
kreuzt an
kreuzen an
kreuzt an
kreuzen an


kreuzte an
kreuztest an
kreuzte an
kreuzten an
kreuztet an
kreuzten an

It all depends on the language that you want to learn. For German it would be best to go to Berlin, as the pronunciation is classic there. Imagine going to Switzerland where they speak a different language.
Are you currently buried in a lot of work? I am not, because the financial crisis has put me back on hold. I do not work, so I have time for going out in the evening and being online.
In April I will travel again to Andalusia for 6 weeks and I will visit the same language school again. This school is incredibly good, I've learned a lot there. Shall I send you the address?