Verb conjugation of "annehmen" in German

Conjugate the verb annehmen:

ich nehme an
du nimmst an

er nahm an
wir haben angenommen

ihr werdet annehmen


sie würden annehmen



Verb drill 'annehmen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of annehmen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
annullieren   annähern   anpassen   anprobieren   anreisen   anrichten  

nehme an
nimmst an
nimmt an
nehmen an
nehmt an
nehmen an


nahm an
nahmst an
nahm an
nahmen an
nahmt an
nahmen an

My daugther was crying all night and we did not know why. We assume that she is getting into the terrible two age and wants to give us a hard time. We love her so much and do not get upset by that.
The intolerance between them rose. The Dutch population feared assaults by their neighbors and thus kept away from personal contact with anybody who was not Dutch. Clearly this issue disappeared.
In order to see it you have to complete a lesson. I attached a screenshot. I did not place any rating there, so that it will not demotivate some of the users, especially the fresh beginners.