Verb conjugation of "anwenden" in German

Conjugate the verb anwenden:

ich wende an
du wendest an

er wandte an
wir haben angewandt

ihr werdet anwenden


sie würden anwenden



Verb drill 'anwenden'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of anwenden in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
anzeigen   anziehen   anzünden   arbeiten   argumentieren   arrangieren  

wende an
wendest an
wendet an
wenden an
wendet an
wenden an


wandte an
wandtest an
wandte an
wandten an
wandtet an
wandten an

My daugther was crying all night and we did not know why. We assume that she is getting into the terrible two age and wants to give us a hard time. We love her so much and do not get upset by that.
We begin to think about the information that we receive and we might fabricate our own wrong perceptions about others unless we are willing to become more familiar with these topics by investigating further.
She was a very cute twenty six year old woman from the area, had a perfect English and could be understood well. She told us to put on good shoes and we started walking towards the valley.