Verb conjugation of "feststecken" in German

Conjugate the verb feststecken:

ich stecke fest
du steckst fest

er steckte fest
wir haben festgesteckt

ihr werdet feststecken


sie würden feststecken



Verb drill 'feststecken'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of feststecken in German-English in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
feststellen   filtern   finanzieren   finden   fischen   flambieren  

stecke fest
steckst fest
steckt fest
stecken fest
steckt fest
stecken fest


steckte fest
stecktest fest
steckte fest
steckten fest
stecktet fest
steckten fest

I understood that this was a real problem in this country and many foreigners came for sex tourism. Many bad stories had happened but my hosts were decent people. I could tell that right away.
I was a little confused because I recognized the voice and I had booked at Luisa's guest house. She explained me that she was sharing the phone with her neighbor and her neighbor was not honest.
Usually we were not that picky, but we intended to stay in Buenos Aires for almost 10 days. On the first day we walked around the city center and did some shopping in the Florida passage.