Verb conjugation of "fortfahren" in German

Conjugate the verb fortfahren:

ich fahre fort
du fährst fort

er fuhr fort
wir sind fortgefahren

ihr werdet fortfahren


sie würden fortfahren



Verb drill 'fortfahren'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of fortfahren in German-English in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
fortschreiten   fortsetzen   fotografieren   fragen   freigeben   freilassen  

fahre fort
fährst fort
fährt fort
fahren fort
fahrt fort
fahren fort


fuhr fort
fuhrst fort
fuhr fort
fuhren fort
fuhrt fort
fuhren fort

All people held signs with names on them and on one plate I saw name, of course misspelled. I went with the person to his oldtimer car. We drove to his cottage and I was surprised about the nice reception.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
On the second day we visited the Perito Moreno glacier by foot. It is one of the most beautiful glacier in South America and certainly the most visited, as it can be reached easily by car.