Verb conjugation of "hinaufgehen" in German

Conjugate the verb hinaufgehen:

ich gehe hinauf
du gehst hinauf

er ging hinauf
wir sind hinaufgegangen

ihr werdet hinaufgehen


sie würden hinaufgehen



Verb drill 'hinaufgehen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of hinaufgehen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
hinausgehen   hindern   hineinfallen   hinfallen   hingehen   hinken  

gehe hinauf
gehst hinauf
geht hinauf
gehen hinauf
geht hinauf
gehen hinauf


ging hinauf
gingst hinauf
ging hinauf
gingen hinauf
gingt hinauf
gingen hinauf

All people held signs with names on them and on one plate I saw name, of course misspelled. I went with the person to his oldtimer car. We drove to his cottage and I was surprised about the nice reception.
And others are not, some of us are speaking (too) freely about it, without paying attention to what they really say. Some of us know how to restrain because we know that these feelings are malicious.
We walked by waterfalls and rivers, but the water was too cold to swimm in. The hike made us tired and we were in the valley, which meant that we had to climb up again. The climb was difficult.