Verb conjugation of "hinzufügen" in German

Conjugate the verb hinzufügen:

ich füge hinzu
du fügst hinzu

er fügte hinzu
wir haben hinzugefügt

ihr werdet hinzufügen


sie würden hinzufügen



Verb drill 'hinzufügen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of hinzufügen in our German Dictionary
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hissen   hocken   hoffen   holen   horchen   humpeln  

füge hinzu
fügst hinzu
fügt hinzu
fügen hinzu
fügt hinzu
fügen hinzu


fügte hinzu
fügtest hinzu
fügte hinzu
fügten hinzu
fügtet hinzu
fügten hinzu

All people held signs with names on them and on one plate I saw name, of course misspelled. I went with the person to his oldtimer car. We drove to his cottage and I was surprised about the nice reception.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
The next day it we had another hike, this time much further away, but luckily downhill. We again walked through various rice fields and rice terraces, along rivers and through hill tribe villages.