Verb conjugation of "losgehen" in German

Conjugate the verb losgehen:

ich gehe los
du gehst los

er ging los
wir sind losgegangen

ihr werdet losgehen


sie würden losgehen



Verb drill 'losgehen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of losgehen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
loslassen   losreißen   lächeln   läuten   löschen   lösen  

gehe los
gehst los
geht los
gehen los
geht los
gehen los


ging los
gingst los
ging los
gingen los
gingt los
gingen los

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I have even met someone who invited me to come and visit. It was an older couple who were renting apartments for language students. Well, actually there are agencies that offer the same as this couple, but I'm open.
Your German is very good. Of course, there are some mistakes here and there, but I think that all the students have some. Get yourself up and study a lot, that's the secret to success. Good luck.