Verb conjugation of "nachahmen" in German

Conjugate the verb nachahmen:

ich ahme nach
du ahmst nach

er ahmte nach
wir haben nachgeahmt

ihr werdet nachahmen


sie würden nachahmen



Verb drill 'nachahmen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of nachahmen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
nachdenken   nacheilen   nachfolgen   nachfragen   nachgeben   nachkommen  

ahme nach
ahmst nach
ahmt nach
ahmen nach
ahmt nach
ahmen nach


ahmte nach
ahmtest nach
ahmte nach
ahmten nach
ahmtet nach
ahmten nach

I wanted to tell you that we have uploaded a successful version (with Peter). In Annex I send the profile. It is very similar to the last version, just a few words less in each lesson.
I have even met someone who invited me to come and visit. It was an older couple who were renting apartments for language students. Well, actually there are agencies that offer the same as this couple, but I'm open.
What are you doing? I'm at work. It is so boring and my boss is not here. Yesterday I was here until midnight, because we had problems with the PC system. Then we ordered pizza and a few beers.