Verb conjugation of "radfahren" in German

Conjugate the verb radfahren:

ich fahre rad
du fährst rad

er fuhr rad
wir sind radgefahren

ihr werdet radfahren


sie würden radfahren



Verb drill 'radfahren'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of radfahren in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
radieren   raffinieren   rangieren   rascheln   rasen   rasieren  

fahre rad
fährst rad
fährt rad
fahren rad
fahrt rad
fahren rad


fuhr rad
fuhrst rad
fuhr rad
fuhren rad
fuhrt rad
fuhren rad

After next week, I will tutor the Mr. Zillmay from the language lab in Los Angeles, he is currently in the states. The lesson will take place in LA, but it may be held no earlier than mid-February.
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I apologize that I have not written for such a long time! Please call me on my new phone number, that would be great! How is your son feeling, has he been recovering? I am sure that he will be fine.