Verb conjugation of "umherstreifen" in German

Conjugate the verb umherstreifen:

ich streife umher
du streifst umher

er streifte umher
wir sind umhergestreift

ihr werdet umherstreifen


sie würden umherstreifen



Verb drill 'umherstreifen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of umherstreifen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
umkommen   umleiten   umschalten   umschichten   umschreiben   umsetzen  

streife umher
streifst umher
streift umher
streifen umher
streift umher
streifen umher


streifte umher
streiftest umher
streifte umher
streiften umher
streiftet umher
streiften umher

I will send you a summary of the activities from our last vacation last year, but I will be brief, so I will send only the highlights. It is best if we discuss everything, in the beginning of August.
I looked at your site on the Internet. It is very beautiful, the graphics are interesting and the site leaves a clean impression. I think that paintings and art in general are very interesting.
I would also like to stay for some time abroad, I had no time yet. With all the kids it is difficult. Next year, however, we might go to Rimini for a month. We will rent a house there in the summer.