Verb conjugation of "vorstellen" in German

Conjugate the verb vorstellen:

ich stelle vor
du stellst vor

er stellte vor
wir haben vorgestellt

ihr werdet vorstellen


sie würden vorstellen



Verb drill 'vorstellen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of vorstellen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
vortragen   vortäuschen   vorziehen   wachsen   wackeln   wagen  

stelle vor
stellst vor
stellt vor
stellen vor
stellt vor
stellen vor


stellte vor
stelltest vor
stellte vor
stellten vor
stelltet vor
stellten vor

Dear Maximilian, I look forward to your visit in Switzerland. After a somewhat difficult start, it seems that we have increased the website traffic and we are starting to receive more visitors.
I am sending you my e-mail address. Then I can write in German and send it to you faster. Please send me pictures of your children. I love little kids, they are always so sweet and innocent.
Can you recommend Spanish films and Spanish newspapers? I want to watch movies and read newspapers to improve my language, and these are means that are fun. Well then. Bye. Please respond quickly.