German Dictionary

Translation of anliegend

anliegend  adjacent     

Translation by Vocabulix


geborgen; behaglich; eng anliegend snug
angrenzend; anliegend adjacent
eng (anliegend), fest tight
eng (anliegend) tight

Although it is very cold, I love the fresh air there. After an hour and after finishing the getting dressed in warm winter-clothes I am usually ready for skiing. Normally I like to go out early.
Please postpone by three days to one week. I am abroad, and Loraine can't come with the baby. We are available from august 31 until September 23 (except September 16) where we have other commitments.
Eating in that Sushi place was fan as everybody was greeted loudly whenever entering the restaurant. The quality of the Sushi was not the best, it was a fast food place, but we really enjoyed it.
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