German Dictionary

Translation of Ausdruck

der Ausdruck the expression    ; the hard copy; the phrase    ; the printout    ; the term    

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Sample sentences:
Seine Einblicke in den Schwertkampf kommen in seiner Lyrik zum Ausdruck.

His insights about sword fighting are expressed in his poetry.
sich wiederspiegeln in; Ausdruck finden in to be reflected in
sich widerspiegen in; Ausdruck finden in to be reflected in
dichterisches Bild; bildlicher Ausdruck; Metapher image
Ausdruck; Begriff; Bezeichnung, Periode term
Redewendung; idiomatischer Ausdruck idiom
Metapher; bildlicher Ausdruck metaphor

Writing autobiography in another language has some advantanges. You do not have to think to much about the story and you can concentrate on the foreign language. Spanish is very suitable for that.
In addition, after the tests I would like to give also a presentation to some of the teachers, as usually the different ideas come with the presentation. After speaking with them, some ideas emerge...
The American (his name was Jeffrey) meant that this is the hour where usually the price of goods went down as the sellers were under pressure and did not want to return with the product.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of phrase   [ phrased, phrased ]