German Dictionary

Translation of Flunkerei in German-English

die Flunkerei the fib    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Danach bekamen die Kinder Stubenarrest und bereuten ihre Flunkerei.

Later the kids were grounded and regretted their fib.

There are several different TV programs in the hotel room and depending on the country of origin they broadcast in different languages. I believe European TV programs are much longer and have less advertisement than those from North America.
I grew up in Angola, but now I'm in Hanover, not far from your border town. I used to study at the university in Boston, Massachusetts. I have graduated from MIT, which is the technology institute.
Is that your voice in the background of the video? Thanks to your machine which stood outside, the tree did not fall on the man... This is just unbelievable! And you filmed it all?
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