German Dictionary

Translation of Massaker

das Massaker the massacre    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Die Chinesen zu beschuldigen, das Massaker von Nanking provoziert zu haben ist vollkommen paradox.

Blaming the Chinese to have provoked the Nanking massacre is completely paradoxical.

On one hand I detest the topics that the media chooses on the news, for example the coverage of the entire trial of O.J. Simpson. But not only this trial, also other completely unimportant events.
That is how he forces her into deciding between him and the baby. There is no escape from this dilema. The train that was supposed to arrive did not come yet and it does not look like it will come.
Actually, three hours was enough to get the impression of Macau. It had many narrow streets and some parts reminded us of a Mediterranean village. One can really see the charming Portuguese influence.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of massacre   [ massacred, massacred ]