German Dictionary

Translation of verstellen

verstellen to adjust    

Translation by Vocabulix


There were two options, a connection flight to Phuket and one to Krabi. Generally, I wanted to reach the western part of the country, because it apparently had better weather this time of year.
The fact that I have received many emails from students in order to make Vocabulix known is a personal success for me. But I think that a new website with many pages would be better for future uses.
Well, now that we're friends, I am very happy to send you images. I would be happy if we can keep the contact for a long time. May I ask a questions: is Emily your real name or just an avatar name?
Check out these translations verminen    vereinbart    unzensiert    unsagbar    unerlaubt    umschreiben    transitiv    südamerikanisch    stimmlich    spionieren   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of adjust   [ adjusted, adjusted ]