German Dictionary

Translation of astonished in German

astonished     erstaunt

Translation by Vocabulix


be astonished (v); (asombrar); (impresionar) staunen
surprised/ astonished überrascht/ erstaunt
to be astonished erstaunt
astonished erstaunt adj

As promised in our short conversation here a quick introduction about the entire process. We had great success in Richard Young's restaurant. I will call you on Monday. Meanwhile, happy new year!
The short story 'Hills like white elephants' is a short story about a relationship between a man and a young girl, based on having sexual encounters. The meaning of this story is not immediately recognizable.
We again connected to the same people and we were wining a little about the fact that we had to share the boat with around seventy other passengers instead of getting a little romantic private tour.
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