German Dictionary

Translation of filter in German

to filter     filtern
the filter     der Filter

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
His water filter helped us survive the long hike through the valley.

Sein Wasserfilter half uns, die lange Wanderung durch das Tal zu überleben.
Active coal can be used in filtering systems. Aktive Kohle wird in Filtersystemen eingesetzt.
line filter Netzfilter

I would also like to talk to you via VOIP. I have installed Messanger on one of our laptops. I was wondering if you received my last email that I sent last weekend or so. It contained a few images of our home, state and family.
There are many lakes situated throughout the center. The entire atmosphere here was more relaxed. Our first spot was the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum. In addition there was a small Pagoda nearby.
At noon we continued to the Altiplano to visit some lakes and volcanoes. At 4000 meter above see level it became suddenly extremely cold and our heads started to spin. Altitude sickness?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of filter   [ filtered, filtered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of filtern
filtere  filterst  filtert  filtern  filtert  filtern  filterte  filtertest  filterte  filterten  filtertet  filterten