German Dictionary

Translation of pastor in German

the pastor     der Pastor

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Whenever I needed support, our pastor has been most helpful.

Wann immer ich Unterstützung braucht hat sich unser Pastor als äußerst hilfreich erwiesen.
The pastor got angry when the third sneeze interrupted his sermon. Der Pastor wurde wütend, als der dritte Nieser seine Predigt unterbrach.

It was better to avoid this city at the moment, although it is supposed to be one of the more beautiful ones in the entire region. It is considered historic, beautiful and a culturally important city.
We continued to the entrance of Angkor Wat. They told us that if we would wait until after five o'clock we could enter with next day's ticket and still see the sunset. We waited and entered at five.
At midnight, after taking a quick shower we went to a local bar to eat a steak. The food and the wine were excellent. We were really happy that after the long journey we made it to this place.
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