German Dictionary

Translation of radiate in German

to radiate     strahlen
to radiate     ausstrahlen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The brunette's eyes radiated a warmth that attracted him.

Die Augen der Brünette strahlten eine Wärme aus, die ihn anzog.
Insanity radiated from the criminal's eyes when he stood on the scaffold. Irrsinn strahlte aus den Augen des Kriminellen als er auf dem Schafott stand.
radiate ausstrahlen; strahlen; verbreiten
radiate abstrahlen

I was wondering whether such a technology is suitable for your home. I would like to meet you in person and explain you a little more about the implementation, the advantages and the drawbacks.
After our system update, lessons will be saved for 30 minutes automatically, if you want to save them permanently, you need to press the 'save lesson' button. It than works the same basically.
The city was incredibly vivid and we were impressed by its size. We walked a lot through all the different neighborhoods, starting with Recoleta, an upper class neighborhood with its famous cemetery.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of radiate   [ radiated, radiated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of strahlen
strahle  strahlst  strahlt  strahlen  strahlt  strahlen  strahlte  strahltest  strahlte  strahlten  strahltet  strahlten