German Dictionary

Translation of sham in German

to sham     vortäuschen
the sham     der Betrug; der Schwindel; die Fälschung; die Mogelei; die Vortäuschung

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Tara claimed Emma had made the cookies, but the sham was discovered.

Tara behauptete, Emma hätte die Kekse gebacken, aber der Schwindel flog auf.

Great pictures. This looks very promising! At what time do you need to be back on Monday? I may have to return early on Tuesday as well, because my daughter's and my son's birthday are on the same date.
Are you familiar with HTML tags? Besides, you have to test the file in a browser window before delivering, just to be sure that it is displayed correctly. Regarding the translation: The second choice is a little more colloquial than the first one.
It would be great if we could continue to email, write or chat? I'm looking forward to hear from you again soon! Please write your sentences in Spanish first, and then in German.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vortäuschen
täuscvor  täuschst vor  täuscht vor  täuschen vor  täuscht vor  täuschen vor  täuschte vor  täuschtest vor  täuschte vor  täuschten vor  täuschtet vor  täuschten vor