German Dictionary

Translation of smart in German

smart     gescheit; intelligent; klug

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I still use pencil to write short notes while all my friends are using their smart phones.

Ich benutze immer noch meinen Bleistift um Notizen zu schreiben, währen all meine Freunde ihre Handys benutzen.
In times of recession even smart people do not find jobs. Während der Rezession finden sogar kluge Leute keine Jobs.
smart; clever clever; raffiniert
smart elegant; gewieft; schick
smart; smartly elegant; schick
the smart card die Chipkarte
smart; clever; (listo) klug
smart schick; gut angezogen
smart clever, raffiniert
tidy; smart ordentlich
smart gepflegt, schick
smart card Chipkarte

They will need to fix their issues. Thank you for the meeting. I will be more than happy to do a small trial in your and in Mike's lab. Let me know when it fits you best. Below my contact details.
Hemingway is trying to tell us a story about two people cannot fulfill their desires and needs, such as having free sex, drinking alcohol, spending the nights in bars and clubs and generally having fun.
Swimming in the open water was refreshing and fun and some of us jumped of the roof of the boat into the deep waters. After another snack break the four of us were invited for a Kayak excursion.
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