German Dictionary

Translation of tension in German

to tension     dehnen; spannen
the tension     die Anspannung; die Spannung; die Verspannung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Everyone in the room felt the same tension.

Jedermann im Zimmer hat die selbe Spannung gespürt.
release from tension Erleichterung2
tension; suspense die Spannung
tension Spannung; Anspannung
Tension Die Spannung
tension Spannung(en)
tension Spannungen

Study material is not easy to find. Unfortunately I have not received any such material yet. To give your students brochures and leaflets is in my opinion not the ideal. It cannot be compared with online studies.
There are many mountains and lakes in our district in the central Switzerland. I'm married and we have a son named Joe, he is 2 years old. I have worked as an engineer at the Swiss Federal Railways.
I am glad that you accepted my offer. I would like to write letters and emails in English and if you want you can write back to me in German. I want to correct your German and so we will both get better.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of dehnen
dehne  dehnst  dehnt  dehnen  dehnt  dehnen  dehnte  dehntest  dehnte  dehnten  dehntet  dehnten