German Dictionary

Translation of Treasury in German

the treasury     das Schatzamt; der Fiskus; die Schatzkammer
the Treasury     das Finanzministerium

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Barbara Klein is the new head of the treasury.

Barbara Klein ist die neue Leiterin des Finanzministeriums.

I work as an actor in the theater. I have studied English for seven years, French and Spanish for two years. Well, my level of Spanish is too low to have a good conversation, but I understand it.
I have a few other short sentences by tomorrow. How can I pay for all these little translations? If I remember correctly I made also a small contribution through the channel last year... But I don't think you should charge for these ones.
I would be glad if you can tell me more about the United States, of course in German! Maybe we can talk again when you're back at home, what do you think? That would be a good practice, wouldn't it.
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