German Dictionary

Translation of wimpy in German

wimpy     erbärmlich; kümmerlich

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She hated wimpy men, and he was extremely wimpy.

Sie hasste erbärmliche Männer, und er war extrem erbärmlich.

No, it is a summer camp for teenagers between the age of 16 to 18. They spend 9-10 months of the year in the boarding school, first in the mountains, then near a sea in the local area. Some of them have work to do during the summer vacation.
I remember once again how I failed as a student, mainly in French class. Since I have lived in Russia, it was not easy to learn other foreign languages. The alphabet is also different.
Thank you for correcting my mistakes. I am really grateful for that and this is exactly what I wanted, I just think about whether something similar exists also in English. I doubt it.
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