Verb conjugation of "zugeben" in German

Conjugate the verb zugeben:

ich gebe zu
du gibst zu

er gab zu
wir haben zugegeben

ihr werdet zugeben


sie würden zugeben



Verb drill 'zugeben'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of zugeben in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
zuhören   zumachen   zunehmen   zuordnen   zupfen   zurückgeben  

gebe zu
gibst zu
gibt zu
geben zu
gebt zu
geben zu


gab zu
gabst zu
gab zu
gaben zu
gabt zu
gaben zu

Will you be online in 1 hour? I saw your translations and had some comments: rainbow is it 'arco iris' or one word arcoisris? Usually all words appear lower case. Sometimes it is uppercase. It all depends.
Today the temperature rose above 30 degrees Celsius and we don't have an air condition at the office which means that working is almost impossible. Rick told all his employees to go home or to the beach and work in the evening.
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