Verb conjugation of "auspacken" in German

Conjugate the verb auspacken:

ich packe aus
du packst aus

er packte aus
wir haben ausgepackt

ihr werdet auspacken


sie würden auspacken



Verb drill 'auspacken'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of auspacken in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
ausradieren   ausrichten   ausruhen   ausrüsten   ausschalten   ausscheiden  

packe aus
packst aus
packt aus
packen aus
packt aus
packen aus


packte aus
packtest aus
packte aus
packten aus
packtet aus
packten aus

Let me know, once you want to proceed. Probably I did not explain myself well enough in the mentioned issue. Lili, can you please print the attachment and go over all the wrong expressions and words?
Anyway, once we arrived at the guest house the rules were explained: Washing my Jeans would be 2 dollars, a pair of socks 1 dollar and so on. I did not feel comfortable with these people.
Honk Kong was intense. We liked it on the one hand, but after coming from South East Asia, it seemed a little boring to us. What I mean is that it is more Western and less exciting for us.