Verb conjugation of "umschalten" in German

Conjugate the verb umschalten:

ich schalte um
du schaltest um

er schaltete um
wir haben umgeschaltet

ihr werdet umschalten


sie würden umschalten



Verb drill 'umschalten'
Present   Past   Future
The next German Verbs in our list:
umschichten   umschreiben   umsetzen   umsiedeln   umsteigen   umstrukturieren  

schalte um
schaltest um
schaltet um
schalten um
schaltet um
schalten um


schaltete um
schaltetest um
schaltete um
schalteten um
schaltetet um
schalteten um

My brother moved there last year. He met a woman and went after her. After six years they have broken up, but he no longer wanted to return, because he has settled down in his new home. I am visiting him once a year.
What kind of music do you like? I am a classical music and rock fan, but not a techno fan. I believe that strange combination of tastes say a lot about a person. I certainly want to take art as a major.
My morning was great. How was your weekend? In order to learn the language to a high level I figure you need two or three years. I was in Malaga last summer for a few days and studied a lot.