Verb conjugation of "zubinden" in German

Conjugate the verb zubinden:

ich binde zu
du bindest zu

er band zu
wir haben zugebunden

ihr werdet zubinden


sie würden zubinden



Verb drill 'zubinden'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of zubinden in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
zucken   zudecken   zufrieren   zugeben   zuhören   zumachen  

binde zu
bindest zu
bindet zu
binden zu
bindet zu
binden zu


band zu
bandest zu
band zu
banden zu
bandet zu
banden zu

Yes, I have the same opinion - it's interesting to sometimes communicate with people abroad. If you have an issue with learning the French language, you may want to contact me again.
I am sending you my e-mail address. Then I can write in German and send it to you faster. Please send me pictures of your children. I love little kids, they are always so sweet and innocent.
I am a kindergarten teacher for children between age 4 and age 5 and additionally I teach at a school here in Munich: music, painting and handicraft. At the moment just we have holidays.