Spanish Dictionary

Translation of asegurar

asegurar     to assure    ; to ensure    ; to insure    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
No puedo adelantar nada, pero les puedo asegurar que el programa será un éxito enorme.

I cannot advance anything yet, but I can assure you that the program will be a huge success.
Sus padres se aseguraron su educación superior. Her parents assured her higher education.
Le aseguro que este vestido es único. I assure you that this dress is unique.
asegurar to assure

The voyage ended finally. I packed my stuffed at around eight o'clock and hurried to the bus-terminal. I had little time left and was afraid that I would miss it and that I had to take the next one.
Nevertheless I think that we need to communicate. All in all, we will learn a lot from each other, mostly by writing, but speaking exercises are also really good for your Spanish skills. Is this OK?
As usually, we had problems with our hotel. At midnight we checked in to our place, and once seeing the room, my wife decided that she would not sleep there. She was right, it was a place with no atmosphere.
People also searched for: aroma    apretado    antídoto    anatomía    amabilidad    algoritmo    al    aglomerarse    adoctrinar    acostumbrado   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of asegurar
aseguro  aseguras  asegura  aseguramos  aseguráis  aseguran  aseguraba  asegurabas  aseguraba  asegurábamos  asegurabais  aseguraban  aseguré  aseguraste  aseguró  aseguramos  asegurasteis  aseguraron  aseguraré  asegurarás  asegurará  aseguraremos  aseguraréis  asegurarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of assure   [ assured, assured ]
Conjugation of ensure   [ ensured, ensured ]