Spanish Dictionary

Translation of avisar

avisar      to warn     
avisar     to notify    

Pronunciation of avisar    

Translation by Vocabulix


avisar inform
avisar adivse

The poem hints that it will be a meal of brutality. We cannot understand this act of killing, the act of two little animals, we do not understand the 'why' of life and we do not see the power that steers all.
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
The room had around 4 square meters and the bathroom and shower were tiny. I was not content about that, as we could have stayed in a much better hotel for less. But we had made reservations in advance anyway.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of avisar
aviso  avisas  avisa  avisamos  avisáis  avisan  avisaba  avisabas  avisaba  avisábamos  avisabais  avisaban  avisé  avisaste  avisó  avisamos  avisasteis  avisaron  avisaré  avisarás  avisará  avisaremos  avisaréis  avisarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of notify   [ notified, notified ]
Conjugation of warn   [ warned, warned ]