Spanish Dictionary

Translation of circunstancia

la circunstancia     the circumstance    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
¿En qué circunstancias se encontró a la víctima?

In which circumstances was the victim found?
Su fe religiosa era inquebrantable, incluso en las circunstancias más difíciles. His religious faith was unbreakable, even in the most difficult circumstances.

I was tired and still felt a little ill, so that I agreed to meet the other family and they escorted me to the next building. The new family instructed me not to tell anyone where I stayed here.
The film used (positive) is much more accurate in terms of color and pixels. It has a much higher range of colors, but the difficulty is that it is very sensitive and that is has a lot of contrast.
I packed my belongings and went looking for my friend. I informed her about the situation and we left the island together. On the ferry she told me about the different travel options that I would have.
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