Spanish Dictionary

Translation of comer

comer      to eat     

Pronunciation of comer    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
¿Es verdad que los conejos comen zanahorias?

Is it true that rabbits eat carrots?
Comer pavo en el Día de Acción de Gracias es una tradición popular en los Estados Unidos. Having turkey at Thanksgiving is a popular tradition in the United States.
Es bueno comer arándanos porque tienen una gran cantidad de antioxidantes. It is good to eat blueberries because they have a lot of antioxidants.
comer palomitas to eat popcorn
comer fuera eating outside
comer to ear

On the contrary, Swiss like to isolate themselves from the rest, maybe because the believe that they are superior or better, or maybe because they are just afraid of the unknown, change is not happening.
However, the option of creating new lessons with multiple answers is now widely used by our users (teachers and students). However, we believe rather in context and single answers ant not multiple options.
Not worth mentioning. The next day we spent the entire day in the mall buying unuseful things, cheap Jeans of poor quality and again gifts for our friends. I remember buying swimming pants in the sports store.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of comer
como  comes  come  comemos  coméis  comen  comía  comías  comía  comíamos  comíais  comían  comí  comiste  comió  comimos  comisteis  comieron  comeré  comerás  comerá  comeremos  comeréis  comerán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of eat   [ ate, eaten ]