Spanish Dictionary

Translation of convertir

convertir     to convert    ; to transform    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Este verraco no vivirá hasta el final del año, sino que se convertirá en salchichas antes de eso.

This boar won't live until the end of the year; it will become sausages before that.
En un conocido cuento de hadas, el sapo se convierte en un apuesto príncipe después de que la princesa lo besa. In a well-known fairy tale, the ugly toad becomes a handsome prince after the princess kisses him.
Los jesuitas convirtieron a los indígenas de América del Sur al catolicismo. The Jesuits converted the South American indigenous to Catholicism.

The woman that is described in the text has a lot of problems not only in society but also with her health. I would like to see this woman on a diet not because of the people around her but because of herself.
The ride took us through mountainous areas, covered with dark green forest, with so many curves that I got sick. I wanted to vomit but I held myself back, as there were so many other next to me.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of convertir
convierto  conviertes  convierte  convertimos  convertís  convierten  convertía  convertías  convertía  convertíamos  convertíais  convertían  convertí  convertiste  convirtió  convertimos  convertisteis  convirtieron  convertiré  convertirás  convertirá  convertiremos  convertiréis  convertirán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of convert   [ converted, converted ]
Conjugation of transform   [ transformed, transformed ]